Tag: productmanagement
What Makes a Great Product Manager in 2025?
The role of a product manager has undergone significant transformations over the years. In the face of rapid technological advancements and evolving customer expectations, product managers in 2025 must adapt to a landscape that demands both innovation and empathy. The skills and traits required to excel as a PM have expanded, making the need for…
pdmpill 13 – How to find candidates that match your target group in pre-product phase?
Finding the right candidates that match your identified target groups when you are in the ideation phase of your startup is one of the operations that can be extremely painful and subject to strong bias if not driven by a substantial level of rationality and why not objectivity.
pdmpill 12 – How to do customer segmentation as a startup?
Customer segmentation is the practice of dividing a customer base into groups of individuals that are similar in specific ways relevant to marketing, such as age, gender, interests, and spending habits. (taken from salesforce.com)
pdmpill 11 – How to talk to your customers “pre” product-market fit and “post”?
Believe it or not, “pre” and “post” product-market fit are two different worlds that require different approaches, different mindsets, different budgets, and, of course, different resources in your team. While no one can argue with regards to the awesomeness of finding product-market fit, executing a confirmed plan can be tricky since we all know “the…
pdmpill 10 – How to interview your (potential) customers?
The idea of interviewing customers is the heart of product management and is key in a competition-driven market and one of the healthy ways to find differentiation points with respect to your competition. From the multiple customer interview types, there are 4 types any product manager should know:
pdmpill 9 – What is customer development?
Customer development is the practice of establishing a continuous and iterative communication line with your customers so that you can come up with ideas and feedback. Successful product managers test and validate product ideas with regard to the market.
pdmpill 8 – What is a feature table?
A feature table helps product managers differentiate their products with regard to the competition. It is a synthetic and easy to digest report that can be used to communicate a differentiated MVP description in line with a clear value proposition when facilitating product strategy team meetings.
pdmpill 7 – What to monitor at your competitors?
Successful product managers are capable of adapting the products they manage through change. Some changes can be introduced by external market factors affecting all or most of the competitors, but most changes emerge as part of the competition between the players in the market. One of the best ways to track changes in your competition…
pdmpill 6 – Pragmatic criteria to understand your competition
In the previous pdmpill we talked about how to best identify competitors and how to classify them. Now let’s talk about some pragmatic criteria successful product managers have an eye on when understanding the competition.
pdmpill 5 – How to identify your competitors?
Identifying your competitors as soon as possible is key when developing the strategy and the value proposition for a new business. There are four types of competitors: